About me

My name is Martin. I’m a normal young guy with two kids. I’ve been working in IT more than 15 years and I like electronics hardware, gadgets, and all the stuff. And this is why I started to write this blog martinreviews.com

It’s all about making me happy

From time to time, I make myself happy and buy something new – headphones, robotic vacuum cleaner or a new TV. Before I buy something, I read many reviews – mainly on Amazon. But also everywhere, where google guide me.

It’s hard to decide

But after I finally buy something (after a few weeks of reading all reviews, comparing products and deciding), I typically find a lot of different things I haven’t read anywhere.

Why do I write these reviews

As I already wrote earlier – the main reason is that I want to share with anybody my thoughts and experiences about different gadgets I’ve recently bought. Typically I think a lot about the stuff I want to buy, so I read a lot of information and after I finally receive it, I want to share my thoughts. What is good about the product, what is not so good, why I bought it, and why I love it.

Contact me

Do you have anything you want me to test and write a review about? Do you have a question about anything on this web? Don’t hesitate to contact me!

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